Do Any One These MLM Home Business
Headlines Gets You Excited?
* Forced Matrix Can Make You $10,761 By Referring ONLY 3 People!
* How To Earn Over $1,000,000 In Profits From One Time Cost Of Only $5!
* You Can Make $2,582,805.72 By Just Referring 3 People!
* We Do All The Work And Give You a Monthly Income Of $4,000!
* Who Else Wants To Earn At Least $4,240 in the Next 90 Days With A One-Time $18?
* Fire Your Boss, and Master Your Financial Future! No Recruiting Required!
If any of these headlines got you excited… then I have a bridge I would like to sell you from my old neighborhood.
C’mon… you know these type of “programs” DO NOT work. This IS NOT AN MLM BUSINESS.
Sure, you may get lucky and make some money early on, but eventually EVERY SINGLE ONE of these deals dies… and goes to hell where they belong.
So why do it.
Have you ever heard the saying…
If You Keep Doing What You’re Doing…
— You’ll Keep Getting What You’re Getting.
You have a choice.
You can have a “program mentality” expecting something, or
You can have an “entrepreneurial mind set” of whatever it takes to win.
What’s Your Mindset?
After all, you only have one life to live. Why not make it a life of exciting challengers and opportunities.
Why Did I Write This Article?
Because I consider myself a professional network marketer. I have an entrepreneurial mind set. I treat my MLM business as a business. I know what it take to win and succeed…
… and yet still there were times that even I who knows better, made the mistake of participating in some really bad programs. Maybe not as bad as the above headlines above, but still, I have made decisions from time to time to put my time and efforts into something that deep in my heart I knew would be a mistake.
I am quite embarrassed to even write this article.
But, here’s what is even more sad.
First and foremost… I took my time and efforts away from making money from my MLM business.
2nd… I cost others to lose their time and money.
3rd… I lost credibility.
So, the next time you open your email box, and you see the next greatest and latest program to give you riches beyond your belief … and you will see them – because there are literally hundreds popping up every week…
… then please ask yourself these 3 questions…
1. Will it last?
2. Will others most likely make money or lose money?
3. Will this take me away from making money with my MLM business?
We’ve all made mistakes. However, once we recognize those mistakes, now it is our responsibility not to repeat them.